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Webinar: Applying to Oxford and Cambridge Universities

For the first time, our Society is collaborating to deliver a 90 minute webinar on applying to Oxford and Cambridge Universities. There will be presentations and a panel discussion involving

– Oxford Undergraduate International Recruitment Manager, James Brown
– Cambridge Deputy Head of Student Recruitment (International), Roshan Walkerley
– CUMaS President, Ryan Tey
– OUMC Outreach Officer Jacx Chan Ken Yew

There will be an opportunity for students and parents to ask questions via the live YouTube chat.

Useful Links

Oxford resources
University of Oxford YouTube channel, including an introduction to Oxford for undergraduate students, a sample 1st year Mathematics lecture, and much more.
Suggested reading and resources by course.
Our guide for applicants also has comprehensive information about all stages of the Oxford admissions process.
Our digital resource hub supports online learning and exploration.
Oxplore is an online resource designed to engage students between 11 to 18 years with debates and ideas that go beyond what is covered in the classroom.
Podcasts page covering a huge range of topics.
Comprehensive information about colleges
General interview information, including sample questions.

Cambridge resources
To download a copy of the Cambridge prospectus or International Guide, please visit the website.
Chat with a current Cambridge student here.
Register for the Cambridge Virtual Open Day on 16-17 September here.
Want to learn more about a subject and relevant super-curricular activities? Visit HE Plus from the University of Cambridge.

Oxford and Cambridge Society Malaysia
OUMC student experiences of applying to and studying at Oxford…
CUMaS student experiences…
Su Shien’s YouTube channel. Former CUMaS President.
Some Malaysian Students YouTube Channel – great video on the difference between Oxford and Cambridge…


Scholarship Information…